Blue or Red tint in your photos?
A friend called and asked me why his vacation photos came out with annoying blue tint! I immediately felt that his camera had some White Balance issues. I asked him to email me few photos. When I looked at the photos, I knew his White Balance setting was messed up. To confirm, I read EXIF data and it did show that the photos were taken with WB set as Tungsten.

The problem here is that the White Balance or the WB setting on his Nikon was somehow changed to Tungsten. He wasn't awere but this caused the camera to apply some color fix on all photos he took!
What do you do in Trial and Error Photography if the photos you are taking are not coming with natural colors?
Fix: Find the WB/White Balance control. Keep it to Auto. Most modern camera's do good job in determining color temperature. However if you are outside in cloudy day and colors in the photos are not coming out well, you can change White Balance to Cloudy and taken new photos to see if the issue is fixed. If you are inside a home with fluorescent or tungsten light and colors in photos are not coming out well, you can manually change the White Balance to proper setting. However if you start setting the White Balance yourself, please be aware to bring it back to Auto WB or whenever you see unnatural colors, think of the WB control and reset it to proper setting.
Is there any solution for vacation photos which are already taken?
Oh, well, if you liked the place, go again so you can take better photos LOL. If that is not possible, use Picasa or some software and use Auto Color or WB Correction controls. This will not be a perfect fix but at least your photos will be usable.
I fixed above photos with PhotoScape and here is how they look.
If color correction is not working properly, one more solution is to remove the colors LOL.
Change photos to Sepia or Black and White.
Change photos to Sepia or Black and White.
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